i like your art from a sheer skill standpoint but the idea that chronically evil penis wielders™ invented troons© to oppress fellow EXCLUSIVE uterus havers is so brain numbingly stupid i can barely comprehend it. feminists will always reduce themselves to their genitals and parrot right wingers when it's useful for them (and vice versa) which i find amusing. why are then trans homicide, suicide and rape rates so high? why are male suicide and homicide rates so high? or maybe the issue isn't that penis is evil but that the world is a shitty place?
i'm not saying that you should focus on issues of people you don't care about, as i truly do hate oppression olympics of who has it worse; however i am saying that people who have opposing opinions aren't "brainwashed" or "evil" but they simply hold views that correlate with their subjective experiences and observations, same as you or me. lack of basic empathy and understanding is the main reason i don't associate with any mra movements, as same as fra they just blame their faults and issues on the opposite sex without a sliver of complex thought. i may have completely misunderstood the comic, but that's the only message i can get out of it, which i find completely delusional. i don't want to undermine your experiences, but suffering isn't sex specific.